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Wednesday, January 20, 2010


This week I'll be home for my well deserved holidays, I can't believe it! :-)

Program will be busy, so hopefully I'll write about it and show you nice pics as I'll come back..

Family portraits, friends reunions, some good snow time, the usual.. :-)

Friday, January 8, 2010

New Proposals

For this 2010 I have the usual proposals that never come real objectives, as usual.. :-)

The only objective for this year, at the moment, is start training not only for Tai Ji as usual, but also for get in a shape which allow me to wear my clothes, or soon I'll have to start buying all new bigger stuff.
This holidays, altough I worked them, we ate like was no tomorrow, and I didn't pay any attention of number of pieces of cake, nor which kind of cake was..