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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Wish you very happy holidays, if you have them, if instead you're working like me wish you to have fun with your workmates, eat and drink till you drop! :-)

A thought for all the people that in this period will not have a great X-mas:

people from Abruzzo that still waiting for their new homes;

everyone that lost his job, or is working without getting paid;

everyone that doesn't have a house, a job, or even a family...

Merry Christmas to you all

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Umbria Tai Ji 3

Yesterday we went for a private workshop at Anthony's place.
Altough we didn't have day off, but both me and Lele had to work afternoon shift, we decided to go at least for the morning training, leaving immediately after to run back to Rome.

At the beginning I was not so enthusiast cause I don't like tight schedules very much, but the thing with Tai Ji is that when you're training you start to put things in a different perspective, in a way that make you accept Anthony's invite for lunch, with obviously being late for work after..

In the measure of the Universe, a couple of hours is pretty much nothing, and that's maybe one of the best lessons that Tai Ji can teach :-)