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Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Tomorrow I'm off for a day, thank goodness, and before goin to sleep I'd like to say to all my friends that everything is goin well, my roommates are really nice, so even if we live in four in the same apartment (but sleeping in single rooms) life is ok.

The hotel job is ok too, my colleagues are friendly, job is busy and very interesting, and I can practice my English, and from few days also Spanish and French (those two with poor results, though).

I'm working on two shift, one from 6 to 15 and the other from 15 to 23, although it's really difficult to go home at the end, cause there's always some trouble to fix, from the customer that lost the wallet to a flood in a room, or whatever a group of crazy tourists can manage to do to a hotel building :-)

The main problem for us though, is to be aware of people that try to leave without paying the room.. remember that we are in Italy! :-)

Maybe I'll write some good story next time, I've got a lot to choose from ;-)


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Vacanze Romane

Hey folks!

I promised you a post about my vacation in Rome, so here we are.

Apart the usual hugs 'n' kisses that for us is normal if we don't see each other for few weeks, so try to imagine after a year :)

The news is that I found a job here, so after a month at home I'll move again soon, although this time I don't need the passport :)

I called a friend to catch up with him, and while we were talking he told me that one of his clients was looking for a receptionist for one of his hotels.
After one day I've got job and room in a big apartment near the hotel, so I guess will be kinda of a new adventure for me, I never worked in a hotel before and I'm quite excited to start!

The only down side is that I've already started to promote my courses, both Tai Ji and Self Defense, and some of the people will not be so happy to know that I'm leaving, probably for good..

The thing is that in this period finding a good job it's not that easy, as you may know, and so far I didn't manage to put the bread on the table, so to speak, only with teaching.

So that's all for now, I'll keep you on the subject, and I'll upload some pics of this Roman trip too, as soon as I can find the USB cable! :)
